Former Paparazzi Consultant Dianne Hoffman
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Shipping Policy

$5.50 Shipping on all orders under $20

$7.00 Shipping on all orders between $20 and $40.

$10.00 Shipping on all orders between $40 and $90

$12.00 Shipping on all orders between $90 and $125

$15.00 Shipping on all orders between $125 and $200

$20.00 Shipping on all orders between $200 and $500

$40.00 Shipping on all orders of $500 or More

When possible, your order will be shipped within 7 days.  There are sometimes delays for various reasons (illness, weather, etc.). .

The best way to contact me is by email response to the email confirming your order.

As I've reduced my prices, shipping based on order amount has increased since more pieces are now included in your order.